Our Classes


(AM Yoga Flow / Yoga Flow / Friday Flow / Rise & Flow)

A beginner-friendly dynamic practice that links breath with movement, creating a harmonious and energizing experience.

Core & Affirm Yoga

A core-focused yoga class that not only strengthens and tones your abdominal muscles but also guides you in reframing self-talk through positive affirmations, empowering you to overcome challenges and achieve balance both physically and mentally.

Evening Meditation

End your busy day with a moment of reflection through guided meditation supportive environment where you can cultivate mindfulness and inner peace.

Sound Bath Meditation

Experience an immersive journey of inner healing and rejuvenation through our sound bath sessions, where you can surrender to the healing power of sound as resonant tones create a harmonious atmosphere that promotes deep relaxation and releases tension, stress, and stagnant energy.

Vinyasa & Vibes

A vibrant and uplifting practice, where a joyful blend of positive vibes, community connection, invigorating all-level flows, and uplifting music come together to create an energizing atmosphere just in time for the weekend.

Align & Flow

An all-level dynamic practice that integrates precise alignment and graceful balance of asanas (postures), elevating your body and mind into a state of deep connection during your yoga experience.

Book a Class

Take a moment. Breathe. Embrace the power of space and grace within you.